An Update from Bare Conductive's CEO Matt Johnson

Where is my Electric Paint? You're not the only one wondering. I and everyone at Bare Conductive apologize. We haven't met our standard of service to our customers in the last six months. I want to take some time to discuss why.
Like many companies, supply chain challenges have made fulfilling all of our orders in a timely fashion extremely challenging. If you're interested in understanding our supply chain challenges in detail, read below. If you're just concerned about getting your Electric Paint, know that we expect our supply chain challenges to be resolved over the next few months. I wish that I could give you a more specific timeframe, but the last two years have taught us that manufacturing and logistics have become dynamic with schedules that are hard to predict.
Bare Conductive products look simple, but that is a result of a huge effort. Our Electric Paint, Hardware, and Kits contain numerous components and a hefty supply chain. Our challenges have existed in three areas, component supply, manufacturing, and logistics. We have struggled to get a consistent supply of some of our core components, regardless of price. Ironically, we were hit twice during the initial COVID-19 supply chain crunch. First, our raw materials were restricted thanks to the wild popularity of DIY coatings products sold during the pandemic. Second, the semi-conductor shortage due to fabrication shutdowns compromised our ability to build our hardware products. Third, logistics, in general, have become less reliable, but Brexit specifically dramatically increased our costs and the complexity of serving the European market (approx 40% of our business).
Rather than feeling victimized by these unprecedented external events, we've taken them as an opportunity to redesign our supply chain, internal process, and sales channels. It's been a huge amount of work to create the stability that we had in late 2019, but we feel confident that it will pay off in a better experience for our customers and partners in the long run.
Thanks for sticking with us through everything. We're very literally nothing without our amazing creative community!